Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baptism Sunday

Mike and Todd are gone, and I have some time to reflect on this past weekend here at Life Quest Church.

This past weekend LifeQuestChurch baptized 37people, in fact, some were families who had never been to our church. It was their first time. I saw healing among families and those around who were present at the Baptism service. 6 people accepted Jesus. I had the honor to baptize children. man, was that humbling. Still is, in fact, the more I think of it, the more I laugh in joy because of what God did.
I am just so filled with all of these different emotions this morning. To think that God has a special plan for our Church, and for those who are a part of this revolution for Christ here in KC. To think that Christ would allow me, yes me, to have a part in His work. I am just so in awe. I am a wreck this morning...lots of emotions, so overwhelming...mostly Joy. I am so grateful to be a part of something that will last forever... the work of reaching out to lost people, loving on them, and sharing the Gospel with them. Not that I am perfect haha, I am progressing. That's the overwhelming part. Not only am I redeemed, but I am somebody in Christ. Hey guess what...if you have accepted Christ, then so are you. You are somebody, you are a peculiar people, you are a leader. You do have what it takes. Grab on to what Christ has in store for you. Dive into the Word and prayer like never before. Let Christ and others call out your potential, the potential that He planned for you before you were even born.

What my soul longs for is to see a generation rise up and advance His Gospel like never before. The look on those Children has changed my life forever. I just yearn to see God do more miracles through the Church here in KC. We as a Church have got to give our kids our best, and not our leftovers.

p.s. I am listening to Phil Wickham's Sing Along. its free, down load it.