Saturday, May 10, 2008


So School if finally out and over for!! YAY!!!
I am so excited! I can enjoy my new job as a pool manager, and I get to finally dive hardcore into my summer workout program that my dad set up for me. I have been really into the program for about two weeks now, and I have lost like 4 pounds!! I am so excited haha. I can finally get down to racing weight, and really kick some butt later on this season.

God has really taught me a lot of things this school year. He has really helped me to become motivated to do really well in school. My prayer time and devotion life has really gotten a lot better this year, and I am seeing God bring forth fruit in my life because I am taking the time to spend time with Him each day.
I love the summer because I can spend a lot of time with God, and not have to worry about studying or fitting some sort of rigid time table.

what an amazing past couple of days it has been. I have really been praying a lot in the Spirit and God has really laid down the Spirit on me in the middle of the night.
At first it is scary because I cannot move, and I do not know what is going on but then as I respond, it is just so amazing. PRAISE GOD!!

also today was a really good day of working out.

90minute hard trainer ride, followed by an awesome 4 mile run. Praise God!!!

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