Friday, September 12, 2008

The Fruit of Intercessory Prayer

"Prophetic intercession is the ability to receive an immediate prayer request from God and pray about it in a divinely anointed utterance" (Dutch Sheets) .

Romans 8:27 & 34: "Intercession" – Greek = "entugchano" meaning "to chance upon, to confer, to entreat," and is translated as – "to plead, to appeal."

Romans 8:26 – The Spirit of God "intercedes" for us – root word means – "to intercede, to make petition" – like the petitions we make to Government, when we want to be heard – signed by thousands. The Holy Spirit doesn’t have to get millions of signatures – His Word is enough before God.

I have just been in awe, sheer awe of the Goodness of God. He is moving mightily in my life, and the people's lives around me.
I am seeing both saved and un-saved people's lives affected by prayer.
I am seeing God do amazing things, one after another.
God has given me this gift in order that I may help bear people's burdens, and encourage change in their lives. It is such an awesome gift that I get to use to help Glorify God. By praying specifically for people, and watching God move, always changes my outlook on life and prayer.

I am seeing the Holy Spirit draw un-saved people closer to Christ on a daily basis, and I am seeing saved people deepen their walk with Christ.

God is moving in people's relationships, drug and drinking problems, contentment with singleness, family issues, issues with revelation, healing, eating disorders...and more.

Right now, a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am finally content in my singleness. Thank all of you for the many prayers, and the long time it has taken me to get here. Thank all of you for interceding to God on my behalf that I would continue to reach my full potential in Christ. These prayers have changed my outlook in like, and have fueled my passion more and more these past several months. Your support; words of wisdom, encouragement, loving rebuke, and the sheer power of prayer, have been huge factors in my walk with Christ. Thank you all!!

I know God gets all the glory, but thank you for being obedient to His Will.

Who is it in your life that you need to specifically pray for? Who in your life needs life changing prayer in order to deal with the blows of life and reach their potential in Christ?

Earth Shaking Prayer

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