Saturday, May 31, 2008


Another Thing worth mentioning. This Church, Christ's Bride, is in the world.( our buildings) Our religiosity, our preferences are for us in the World. When we become one body in Christ, we are not of this world anymore. When we enter into the family of Christ, we are not of this world anymore. John 15:19
The real church is not a building, but a body of believers who are passionate about spreading God's word in order to bring about life change. We are passionate about seeing others become one in Christ, free from law of sin, and the wages of death.
I am convicted of my own sin because growing up in a religious institution who promotes their man made traditions over others, and sometimes over the Gospel, I find it hard in my heart to truly accept others (mostly other Christians) who come from a different background. I am hard on my self, and others who believe that their own church, their own personal preferences are more important than the precepts of Christ. (Pastor Perry Noble spoke about this in his Sermon on the Prodigal Son) I implore you to check out this sermon from the Series "Me or Jesus"

Jason Upton said this about the church (the buildings, the centers, the places where we come and gather) "A common place where the sins of the world are concentrated in one place... and we(the world) will see that in order to deal with it."

We allow the church to be a place in life where we can all focus on the Gospel, and let Jesus, not a man, or many men, defeat sin. Only by bringing the WORD in a relevant, and
undefiled manner can real life change happen. The Church should be a place where we can focus on Christ, not a place where we point fingers out of hatred, not a place where we condemn people, no, a place where we can accept others for who they are, and love them like Christ, so that His Power will set them Free.

What does that mean for us as believers?
"A new level in Glory(Christ's Glory in this world) is always a step down before it is a step up." Jason Upton

That means that we who are believers must not become like the Older Brother in the Prodigal Son story, whose heart was more concerned about the work of Father(God), than the Heart of the Father(God).
Why am I so hard against Christians? Was it not Jesus who spent a fair amount of time correcting the religious leaders of the institutions, and was it not Christ who corrected His followers out of love so that His message would reach others? Yes.
If we are going to really live for Jesus, then we must humble ourselves before the Throne, "to get on the threshing floor" so that Christ can elevate us to a new level.

I HAVE TO BE UP AT 345am to drive to Henderson to compete in a Triathlon.

In the mean time, I hope this both encourages you and challenges you, but really I hope it challenges you as it has challenged me. It's not all about feeling good. It's about being one in Christ.


So last night, I drove from Charlotte to Winston-Salem to hear Jason Upton at First Assembly Of God in down town Winston-Salem with AJ, Jordyn, Justin, Tim, Rachel(Jordyn's mommy) and others from Victory Fellowship. It was amazing. Jason Upton's prophetic singing and his ability to truly bring the WORD is breath taking. It was down right encouraging and offensive, as I believe it should be.

I really saw the SPIRIT move last night. I really saw the power of God through Jason and the WORD challenge yet affirm people last night. I journaled a lot during the concert, and I took some very good notes.

Fire Burning In The Sky By Jason Upton really spoke to my heart, as well as others around me. God's message through Jason Upton was to "Lay it all down for the heart of Heaven," Which reminded me of Acts 20:24:
24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Jason Upton sang again and again "Whom the SON sets FREE is FREE INDEED," and that means that is offensive and encouraging at the same time. It is scary because that requires us to lay it all down, and to surrender all to Jesus. "To truly be free, means to be fully controlled by Jesus." ~Jason Upton. It is something that takes a lifetime and then some. When we accept Christ, we are free from Death, but in order to live freely, that means we have to focus on the Christ, and model ourselves after Him. That means we have to be in the Word daily, pray daily ( I mean intimate time with God, intimate prayers, life changing prayers) not just for ourselves, but for our World.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prince Caspian part 1

If you have not seen Price Caspian, then you should go see it ASAP!!!

I'm gonna go to bed, but I just wanted to say, that it was Awesome!!!!
Some of the best parts of the movie was when Aslan was talking to Lucy.
I will write more about those quotes in the morning, and more scripture.

but for now

It was good to go to the movies by my self, with 7 other people in the theater. I just felt the prescence of God so strongly tonight. The peace of Christ that Transcends all understanding.... (Phil 4:7), really was upon me tonight. I kept coming the to brink of tears tonight because I was just so in Love with Jesus. I just felt so deeply and intimately connected with His heart tonight. It was just plain breathtaking.

God is just moving so much in my life, and in my heart, that it is hard to explain.
I just feel the breath of God. A sigh of contentment in singleness, and a sigh of being full, overflowing right now. God will call me to keep moving, keep changing, but right now, this very brief moment, I feel full, and I can just stop and rest, to bask in His Glory.

That's it.
Praise God!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm driving a rental car...YAY!!

So on Monday I was running at the Green Way near school, and I get this random call around 6pm.
Apparently some random couple found my wallet near their house, two miles away from the Greenway and couple of miles from my house. Well of course I was out of it, I had ran 6 miles, and had 2 more to go, so I was like, hmm maybe it fell out of my car when I was rearranging stuff, and I always do that when I take out my ID and Cards.

Well I run back, and see that my rear driver's side window is busted, and there is glass everywhere. I also find a note on my car from the driver next to mine who had her SUV broken into as well. Well Karen (thats her name) Praise God!! had already filled a report, and so I filled another one. Funny thing is (my wallet was wrapped up in my sweatshirt and it must have fallen out as the robbers were flailing stuff around in my car) Funnier thing still, Karen's Car had nothing in it, and mine didn't have anything in it as well. Funniest (not really) 5:30pm soccer fields were covered with people and no body called the cops. They did it right in front of people.

Good thing is that I have Nationwide Insurance :) (My Aunt Angel works for them) and I have great coverage. I have a rental car and its pretty sweet.

Satan is such a pest! I mean just a hindrance, really. I thought it was kind of funny (after I calmed down haha) that this was how he attacked me. This was all he could do. I mean lets face it, Christ has won, and Satan had been defeated, yet he still tries to get at us.
God has blessed me with a great rental car, and great coverage while my car is in the shop. I don't think that was in Satan's plan. I guess the joke is on him.

1 John 4:4

I start my first real day of work at my pool in the morning!! It should be fun!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Another night with little sleep...

For the past 3 weeks, I have not been sleeping as well as I would like to. I find my self having to take naps during the day. I am so thankful for naps, and for rest.

Every night pretty much for the past month God has been waking me up at random times in the morning, and just laying people on my heart to pray for. Prayer is a powerful thing, and I believe it is the best tool besides the Bible that God has given us. The Word shows us and teaches us how to pray, and how we can use prayer to move mountains and change lives.

The awesome thing about waking up and praying, going back to sleep, waking up again a few hours later to pray again, is that I am seeing God show off His Amazing Powers of Healing, Restoration, Guidance, Peace, Wooing, and Joy.
I have seen first hand the fruit of praying in the Spirit, and intercessory prayer can have in people's lives.
There is just something awesome about talking with Daddy at like 2-5am in the morning. It is very intense, and it fills me up.
What if more people spent intimate time in prayer? What would happen? I'll tell you...
People's lives would radically change, some the next day, some later on, but God moves heaven and earth for people. He is God, Perfect, Loving, Awesome!!!
I just have a heart for prayer now more than ever. I really love it when God wakes me up, and He speaks to my heart. I am growing more than ever, and God is wooing me.

Side note: I am just so content right now being single and letting God woo me. He is drawing me nearer to Him each day, and I love it. I am spending more time in prayer, specifically in the Spirit, praying for my future wife. I am just thanking God so much for revealing some of the important qualities that my wife will have that just speak to my heart. I am content right now in just surrendering my heart to Christ each day, and letting Him fill me up.

I am also just spending more time thanking God. I am not perfect, I am selfish by nature, but God is just revealing so much to me right now, its is overwhelming :) Why not thank Him?

Friday, May 16, 2008


So tonight is short and sweet, just some thoughts.

It feels great to loose 5 pounds. My run, and bike have really been faster and more efficient.
This past week, esp today, I really felt great on the bike. It feels more natural, and I have more confidence in my ability as an athlete. I have always had confidence, but loosing weight and seeing the results is just awesome. I still have a love-hate relationship with training. It still sucks, but I love it.

I guess its like that with Christian growth and discipline. There are times where it just sucks. Emotionally its is overwhelming, and Satan really goes after me hard. The more I pursue God, the more attacked I get. That makes sense. Satan is not going to attack me as much when I am not in the word, or praying like I should. He just sits back and lets me become lukewarm.

But I see the results of praying, and spending intimate time with God. It is the very fuel for my body and soul. Yes there are sometimes when reading and praying are hard, when doing the right things are so much harder than doing the wrong things.
But I am in this race for the long haul, and I am building up my endurance more and more each day.

So to you who are struggling with endurance, Romans 5 talks about persevering and building character with the Hope we have in Christ.
Continue onward, boldly and unashamedly. Romans 1:16.
The payoff is worth the process.
I am just so in awe of what God is doing in my life and others around me.

And I just love being Baptized with the Holy Spirit and having my own personal prayer tongue with God.

Continue to pursue the peace that transcends all understanding. Philippians 4:7

Thursday, May 15, 2008

God is wooing this city

Hosea 2:14
14Therefore, behold, I will allure her [Israel] and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart.

I have noticed something these past several months as I meet fellow Christians, and visit my friend's churches. God is wooing this city. He is crying out, and speaking tenderly to this city. To draw the city of Charlotte back to Him. There has been an increase in God's anointing and His presence in this city. This city has so many people who are lost, broken, burned out, and just tired of life. Not to mention the rise in crime, and the rise in homelessness.

I believe with my whole heart that God is using Elevation and other churches to reach this city for His glory. I believe we are placed here in this city equipped with our unique strengths and resources to strategically intercede to God on behalf of this city.

The church is Christ's Bride, and the wedding gifts are the gifts that God gives each of us to use for His Glory. But the greatest gift we can bring to this ceremony is our Love. It is Christ's Love in us that changes lives. If we as Christians and the church can continue to seek Christ, and run after Him and His will, then I believe we will see even more radical life change.

Also I have some friends who are dealing with life change, and it is just amazing to see God lead them in His direction.
I also pray for my friend Bradelyn who is growing a lot in her walk with Christ. She is an amazing person, and an awesome friend.
I know God will raise her up even more, and I am just so anxious to hear the news she gets today!!!

I pray that each of us may receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that we can pray in the Spirit to unlock God's Awesome Power of healing, restoration, encouragement, protection, and abundance (just to name a few).

Saturday, May 10, 2008


So School if finally out and over for!! YAY!!!
I am so excited! I can enjoy my new job as a pool manager, and I get to finally dive hardcore into my summer workout program that my dad set up for me. I have been really into the program for about two weeks now, and I have lost like 4 pounds!! I am so excited haha. I can finally get down to racing weight, and really kick some butt later on this season.

God has really taught me a lot of things this school year. He has really helped me to become motivated to do really well in school. My prayer time and devotion life has really gotten a lot better this year, and I am seeing God bring forth fruit in my life because I am taking the time to spend time with Him each day.
I love the summer because I can spend a lot of time with God, and not have to worry about studying or fitting some sort of rigid time table.

what an amazing past couple of days it has been. I have really been praying a lot in the Spirit and God has really laid down the Spirit on me in the middle of the night.
At first it is scary because I cannot move, and I do not know what is going on but then as I respond, it is just so amazing. PRAISE GOD!!

also today was a really good day of working out.

90minute hard trainer ride, followed by an awesome 4 mile run. Praise God!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

"Let my Faith Arise"

God has just been doing so much in my life. With school, and work, and working out. My close friends around me are all in different stages of their lives, but they are all growing. Whether they would agree with me or not, from the outside looking in, they are all growing.

I just have one video and it is from Jason Upton. I believe with all my heart, that his prophetic word will speak to your innermost spirit.

Get fired up, get encouraged, get challenged, most of all, GET FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GET THOSE GOOSEBUMPS!!!!

The Lyrics are on the video.

Jason Upton-Faith-Video




So I am going out of town this weekend to my friend Aaron's wedding in Durham.
I am have the honor of being the Emcee. I get to announce when the dances are, the cutting of the cake, ya know the stuff. It is gonna be awesome.
Plus in the morning, Aaron's friend's dad is gonna open up the UNC pool in Chapel Hill, and we get to play extreme water polo with inner tubes!!! We may even go for a run. YAY!!
I am also going home to spend some time while mom is on a youth choir retreat. That will be AWESOME TIME!!

More to the point... Here is a list of qualities I look for in a wife, fyi for all those readers out there haha. I think I will put some of the top ones.

  1. Sold out for Jesus- A Proverbs 31 Woman.
  2. Beautiful ( I know sounds shallow, but come on now, lets all be honest here) Of course she will be the most beautiful person to me, duh she'll be my wife. Hot Hot Hot!!
  3. Pastor's wife. Since I am called in the ministry, I think it will be important that my wife will be okay with being a Pastor's wife.
  4. Someone who is compassionate about others and seeing life change that can only come from Jesus and His love, grace and mercy.
  5. Good communicator: someone who is not afraid to tell me what is on her heart, and correct me when I am wrong. I want to have a healthy marriage, and everyone who is married says that communication is the key, especially in the hard times. (boldness)
  6. Someone who can lend me a wise word. I believe that every believer has wisdom that comes from Christ, but I want my wife to be a Proverbs 31:26 woman.
  7. Sense of humor. I am a crazy guy, well spaz is more like it. Someone who can be sarcastic at times- dish it out and take it.... thats just me haha.
  8. A gracious wife. Someone who is full of God's grace, cuz Lord knows I am gonna need a lot of grace as a husband haha.
  9. I believe that my wife will be a good encourager. As a man, I need constant encouragement to continue in God's Will. When I do fail, I believe my wife will encourage me to seek Christ, and take the steps to correct my wrongdoing.
  10. Someone who takes a more logical view of life. I am very emotional, and in some cases, I do not look at things from the logical point of view. (ask my dad, he is helping me in that) Not saying she cannot be emotional(thats great!!), but someone who can compliment me.
  11. Someone who is Baptized with the Holy Spirit. A wife who can intercede on mine, my family's, and other's behalf. I want my wife to have that intimate prayer tongue with Jesus, and intimate prayer life that comes only from receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  12. Athletic. Yes, someone who takes care of her body is very important to me. Since I do triathlons, I want a wife who likes to keep in shape. I am not saying that she has to be like an iron woman, or a professional athlete. Just a wife who does not mind working out.
These are some of the most important qualities that I believe God has placed on my heart when looking for a wife.

I know people have asked me this question multiple times, and I have decided to write them down.

Spur one another on to love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24)

I want to be that Ephesians 5:25-33 husband.

Hope you enjoyed what is on my heart!!