Monday, February 11, 2008


WOW!! Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of Elevation!!

Wow, I can't believe it.
It seems kinda like yesterday that I went for my first Elevation Experience. Whats crazy is that I was looking for a church well sort of for two years here in Charlotte.
Pastor came to speak at CRUSADE and I was hooked. God really told me to be bold and try it out. God was soo right! Perfect Fit for me!!! Praise God!!
Because of the Holy Spirit leading the leaders of Elevation, and the volunteers, I was able to let my guard down and Let God Take over in the area of me being involved in a church here in Charlotte.

Through all the series, and events, and small group meetings, I have really grown in my faith. Elevation has just poured so much into my life, and I feel as if Pastor was talking just to me during all his messages. It was like God was using Pastor to just reach me, it was eerie. It was awesome, well, I don't have the words to describe the experience, only goosebumps lol.

I don't even want to imagine where my life would be without Elevation. I have come a long way, and I still have farther to go in my walk with Christ, but I know that God is using Elevation to speak life and truth into my life.

Wow... that is all I can say.
Looking back this past year, and all that has happened in my life... wow. God is soo great. Through all the joy and pain, God has used Elevation to speak directly to my heart.

Jesus, all I ask is that I have an undivided heart for you. Jesus, All I yearn for is YOU.
more to come later on....

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