Monday, October 20, 2008

5 Dollar Faith

I don't want to have a 5 dollar faith. Sometimes, well recently in some areas of my life, I have felt that way.
Pastor Craig Groeschel spoke at Catalyst, and it was intense.

Three things really spoke to my heart.

1) God Ruin me. I pray that God will continue to break my heart for what breaks His. Right now it is the homeless situation in this city. My heart is breaking for the people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol and who are going through hell right now. Yesterday I saw a guy who was so drunk at 8:30 in the morning that he just kept falling over in the middle of uptown. He was desperately trying to grab a hold of one of the crosswalk posts, but he kept missing. When I ran over to help him, he was just so broken inside, and so drunk. Luckily there was an officer who was near the scene, saw the whole thing and called the medics to come and take him to the hospital. I later found out from one of the other homeless guys that he was in the middle of the street at 4am punching and yelling at cars. That breaks my heart and God has put this vision of seeing homeless people who are broken healed by the sheer awesomeness of Christ.

2) God Heal Me. I need God to continually heal me as I struggle with the issues in my life. Broken relationships, daily struggles as a man of God fighting Satan, and the temptation to freak out when I get really stressed. I pray that God will continue to show me the issues in my life that I need to surrender to Him, and to run to Him, not from Him. I am human just the rest of us, and I have my own baggage as well.

3) God Stretch Me. God is really stretching me right now. With Senior Year Thesis stuff, work, Church, and pouring into people, I am stretched. It is such a blessing to be stretched for God's Glory, but honestly, it sucks sometimes. Gina yesterday, really encourage me yesterday at Fuel Pizza. Sometimes she said, it is God's will for us to love people from a distance...because we no longer are a blessing, we become a burden. This reminded me that I have to make sure that there are people pouring into me, while I am pouring into others. It's part of this process. Balance, Gina said is hard, but it is soo needed. It was such a blessing to spend time with Gina yesterday. She really spoke to my heart, and I am so thankful that she asked me up front, "so what are you struggling with." Even though God is stretching me, pulling me, growing me, He still provides people in my life who can come along side of me and encourage me.

(I took a nap, and now I feel so much better) Time for Small Group!! YAY!!!!

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