Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Past Two Weeks

okay so I am sorry for not posting, but I have been going out of my mind.

for those of you who have not heard yet, two weeks ago I hydroplaned my car, only going 20miles an hour, and got into an accident. Everybody is fine with no injuries, Praise God!!
well my saturn is totaled. well not really, but considering the year and the miles on it, the insurance company said it would be cheaper for them to just write it off as totaled. So in the meantime I have been using a rental, and bumin rides from Ethan!!! Who is by the way, an awesome man of God, and one of my closest friends. I believe that he knows my better than anyone because of how long I have known him, and plus the fact that we intereact almost on a daily basis.

I have been uber busy with my Senior Seminar Thesis paper, which for the past two weeks has been kicking my butt. All the outlines, revisions, meetings with my class advisor, and my paper advisor. It has not been a pic nic. But at least I am doing the things that I am supposed to be doing.

anywho, my parents have been really supportive about this whole wrecking of the car ordeal. I really love them, and God is teaching me more and more about honoring my parents. I think it changes when you get older, independant like. I still need my parents, it seems is if I am always on the phone with them. I love the communication that I have with my parents. They love me so much and they see the potiential in me, probably more than I see it in my self.

I get my mom's blazer, which I am so excited about getting. Heck, I am just excited that I get a set of wheels. Mom gets a new car, yay!! good for you mom!!! Gas will not be cheap, but I'm getting a system set up.

I think I will start to read up on finances. I am not perfect, I am better off than most people my age. But I need to continue to deveolp good habits that I will use in marriage and the rest of my life. My dad is really good with money, and balancing. I hope to be half as good as him one day.

I am yearning more and more to raise up and army for the Lord. I yearn to be one of those people who can help lead people to Christ, and to present the Gospel in a way that is revelant to my generation, and generations to come. Whether or not I become a Chaplin in the US Army or not, I have known for a long time, that God has called me to be a leader. I am not prideful about this, in fact, it is overwhelming and scarry... I'll write more on that some day.

Anywho, I am growing in my faith, and it has been tough these past two weeks. Oh I have lost my temper, a lot, and it has been directed to this stupid paper, but God is working on my heart. There are still some things that I struggle with, I am like eveybody else, but God is doing more than I can ask or ever imagine.


Please pray for safe travel, and that God will just do some more amazing things in my life, and the lives of those who are attending. Please say a prayer for not only Pastor Furtick, but also for the other speakers and volunteers!!!!

Sorry this is generic, but its only a recap

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I can give you some recommendations on some books and websites on finances...

Suze Orman (website and Book for the Young, Fashionable and Broke)
Mary Hunt - Debt Proof Living, Everyday Cheapskate, debtproofliving.com - has a very cool rapid loan repayment thing that helps you get loans paid off very quickly - it organizes it and everything!