Sunday, August 31, 2008

Have you told someone today that JESUS loves them?

So it was a typical Saturday at Ray's Splash Planet.
Lots of people, rain, small Thunderstorm... the usual summer thang.

So I was having fun in the Lazy river, spinning kids, and rocking their inner tubes, and these kids come up to me...
"Hey man, you're a Christian right"
"Yeah" I reply
"well Jesus loves you man" the young boy said (Jimmy)
His buddy John and their friends all kept saying it to me.

Then they went around the pool telling the life guards and people there that Jesus loves them.

How awesome is that!!!
I think me, included that we often get intimated to share the fact that Jesus loves you with people because we don't know how they will react.
I feel that we often feel ashamed (our culture is not really a huge fan of religion).

God brought those kids into my life this weekend to encourage me, and to challenge me.
This week, I am going to pass out fliers for Elevation, and to tell people that Jesus loves them instead of just beating around the bush about church.

Don't get me wrong, I do invite people, but I need to also tell them that Jesus loves them just as they are.

What will you do?

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