Monday, December 8, 2008

The Great Divide (mini series)

Today, marks the third day, well four if you count the day spent in another state before going on The Great Divide and the beginning of the first full week of The Great Divide.
I wish it was the Sunday after Next.

Although I am a little depressed, well for good reasons haha, I know in my spirit that someone special, duh my girlfriend, is affecting great change.

I know that she is seeking and saving that which is or those who are lost. She is showing the love of Christ to people who are far from God. She is ministering healing to those affected by a broken world with broken systems.
I can sense in my spirit that today has been a good day for her. I am just so excited for her because I know that God using her to advance His kingdom.

There is more to come, more in store for her and for those around her.

I am praying as always for you. I am praying Psalm 20, and Colossians 1:9-14, Ephesians 1:16-19a, and what ever else I can find.
You got this, go get em! I know you are!!

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