Sunday, December 7, 2008

how to turn "Waiting on God" into "Running With Your Heart"

So I can be very impatient at times, like really!! One thing that really bothers me is having to wait in line for things. I am ADD/ADHD, whatever, and I just can't sit or stand still for very long time without getting restless.

Which reminds me of how frustrated I get sometimes when people say "Oh well you need to just wait on God," when I am going through a trial in my spiritual life. "Let go and let God." Oh man that floors me because people usually do not tell me how to wait on God. How do I "let go and let God?"
"What do you mean?" "Do I just sit around, and do nothing?" "Or, should I be doing something?"

I think people just say that a lot ( me included) to other people without thinking. It is like the "Christian thing to say." Its good to tell others to wait on God before making bad decisions, or continuing in negative thought which can leave you feeling alone and unloved. But what does that mean?

I believe that God does want us to wait on Him. In his Word, God says in Psalm 27:14.

Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.

But the lie that Satan uses to trick us into becoming static is something like this: "Oh well yes, wait on God, sit back, do nothing, and maybe if you wait long enough, God will do something." "Just wait around, and in time, God will do something...probably....well not really.....okay, you gotta act now"

The danger in doing nothing, is that you are doing something: running away from God. Not God running away from you, you are running away from Him. God is not a God of just waiting around. He is not a static God who wants you to pick a number, and get in line ( the whole time you are complaining about just standing around).

Waiting on God means that you keep praying, you keep asking God to give you revelation. You still go to Church, you still read your Bible, and seek counsel from His Word. I know it is easy to get frustrated, but as Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring says, "how can you expect to get any revelation from God when you are frustrated with God?"

Remember Paul said in Romans 12:12
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Waiting is an action the requires us to be joyful in the hope we have in Christ. To be patient in affliction by praying, always without ceasing.

I have been more mindful and intentionally in how I use my mouth to give advice from the Lord. I do not want to use some cliche in place of pouring out what God has on my heart. Now I explain what waiting on God really means. There are tons of verses that can help a person who is struggling with waiting, and it would take me all day to say them. But I just wanted to use the ones that spoke to my heart.

Remember that you are more than a person standing in line, you are more than just some guy/girl. You, as Pastor Steven Furtick says, are a "Divine Design with a Divine Destiny." Go claim it, do not loose heart, keep praying, keep looking, watching, praying, asking, seeking, knocking.

I hope these last verses really encourage you as you struggle with waiting.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Matthew 11:12
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.


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