Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I need a touch from Christ, and from You.

So this past weekend the retreat was great, and I was in the presence of God because I was surrounded by lots of believers, and people who love me, and who love Christ.

I have been in this funk lately, and I can't really fully describe it, but its like this:

Although Christ has been using me a lot lately to encourage others, I my self need that encouragement, and that touch of Christ-through the prayer and laying of hands from others.
I yearn to be touched just as much as the next person.
I am going to make more time to meet with my entourage this coming week (the ones who are here in Charlotte) so that they can speak truth in my life, and so that I can get out of this funk.

Often we try so hard like Jacob to wrestle with God on our own. we think that the sins that we struggle with are best done when we are alone with God. Sometimes when i get in this lone ranger mode, I miss out on the sheer Awesomeness of Christ that only comes from being around others and LETTING them speak truth into my life.

I need my friends like the paralytic man in Matthew Ch 9, to drag me to the places where I can fully receive the touch of Christ. Its not all about my faith, and my sturggle with Christ that will elevate me, but sometimes its the love and the faith of others in Christ who have that passion to see me and others re-connect with Christ, that will open up the floodgates of Heaven, and trigger that spiritual healing that I and other desperately need.

I need my intercessors, (my mediators) to stand before God o n my behalf and help me with my struggles so that I out of my own wanderings will get back in step with Christ.

Its just so hard to let others help me sometimes. I am good at helping others, but as a human, i have this innate yearning to not be helped by others. Plus I am a guy. I'm just speaking truth. Sometimes my pride ( and I have no clue why I should even be prideful, especially in these times) keeps me from receiving the Love of Christ from others. There is nothing wrong in letting others help you. In fact that is what Jesus wants for us. To be a body of believers who encourage one another, and build each other up. (1 Thes 5:11a)

So here is my plan of action:
1) To get down on my knees and thank God for all the Grace, and Mercy that He has poured out on me that I in now way deserve. And to thank Him for the healing in advace, because I know that He will Heal Me.
2) to just lay it all at the foot of the cross, and REPENT.
3) to get in contact with my entourage, call a meeting whether one on one or not, and just lay it all out, put my self out that, and LET THEM HELP ME.
4) To Thank God for the healing me, and follow up with my entourage.

I just wanted to be real with all of you because that is excatly what God wants us.
I may write like I know what to do, or how do to it, but in reality, I am just like everyone else, HUMAN, and infinitely small compared to Christ.

I ask that yall would please pray for me in the name of Jesus, that I get this healing soon, and that I will do the same for all of you and others when the time comes.
God Bless,
Amen Amen

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