Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's not all about a fairy tale...

since I have been on vacation and without internet, here are some catch up blogs that have been on my heart.

So its Christmas Season, and there is a lot of talk and advertising for gifts that you can give to your "soul mate," "Special one," "The Love of your life."

Which got me to asking around about "The One" and how I would "Know" if that person is the one.
Will God give me that special sign, well for me series cuz im a lil clueless lol?
Then what about from there? Does it all make sense, i mean would everything go as smoothly as "everyone" says it will?

Now I know what parents say, it takes lots of work for a marriage blah blah lol I KNOW!!!

But I'm talking about dating, and courtship up to marriage.

Well I am getting to know this very very special person better, and God really gave me this revelation. Not only did God give it to me to help me out, but also to help out all my friends who think that it's all a fairy tale with no problems.

This person is simply amazing, and I will write about her later on. :)

But I still do not know who my wife is yet, and if this person is the one then God will tell me when He is ready. And if she is not, then God will tell me that when He is ready as well haha. It's a Win-Win either way with God.

Okay here is what God told me.

Just because you "know" if that person is your soul mate does not mean that things will be eaiser, or that life will magically bend itself around you. It is a miracle only by the sheer Grace and Mercy and Love of God that you do know who that person is. That is the first and foremost important thing.
I am already so thankful that God has that perfect person out there for me who is the most amazing and beautiful person that I will ever know.

I am only saying that life is hard, and once you know, you have to work at keeping it the way God wants it. You have to keep praying, and keep communicating with that person, and with God.
You have to keep striving for purity, and for a Christ centered relationship.
Which in turn will piss off Satan, which means that we have to read the word more and more, and seek wisdom and guidance from God.

Thats awesome that God will tell us, and that He has great plans for us. Jer. 29:11

I hope this story helps:

I was one of those kids you see on tv, or read about in the mail who needed a family. You know the Adopt this Kid kinda thing. My parents saw my picture and fell instantly in love with me. That of course was Christ's work.
Now my parents had a lot of work to do after they "knew" I was the kid they wanted to adopt.
There was all this paper work that had to be done, both with the state, the US, Customs, and the Colombian Government. They had to get thorough background checks and go through all these interviews. They had to be screened to make sure that they were the best parents out there for me. They had to meet with linguists who could make sure the documents were in order and clearly stated in both English and Spanish. Then when they were finally able to go and adopt me, they had to spend two weeks in Colombia in a war town country spending time with me there, and then take me back to the US.
Throughout the whole time, there was a lot of heart ache. The papers had to be re-done, and they had to go through all this red tape. They didn't even know if they were going to be able to adopt me because of all the red tape. They prayed, and prayed, and cried, and asked guidance from God and from other people. Even though they "Knew" I was going to be their son, they had to keep pushing through all of Satan's attacks.

In the end, with their determination, faith in God, I was there son!!!! 20 years later, I am still theirs and I will be for ever!!!!! All that hard work, and pain mixed with joyous times paid off. I am the luckiest kid in the world to have parents who went through all that just to adopt a kid.

I think it's like what with "The One." There will be times of struggle, and pain alongside the times of joy.
That is why it is important to remember that it's not a fairy tale when God reveals "The One," It's nothing short of a miracle, but it does not end there.

So in closing, when you do find that one, keep focusing on Christ, and rebuking the Devil. In the end, it will pay off. Life is hard, but God will show you the way, but only by being obedient.

I am so thankful that God gave me this revelation because when I do know who The One is, I will have a better idea of letting God lead me.

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