Tuesday, January 1, 2008

is wanting affection, or a relationship really bad?

So I have been talking with some of my friends about the feeling of lonlieness that comes during our walks with Christ. You know, the feeling of being lone in our singleness.
Yes we have Christ, but for those who have been called to marriage, we find ourselves faced with loneliness. We want affection, and encouragement from the opposite sex, and we want to feel good, and be built up.
Scripture even says:

1 Thes 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

But we also at the same time do not want to lead anyone one, or be lead on.
It is hard sometimes to draw the line when reaching out for affection (emotional).
Sometimes it turns into emotional/physical lust. And that is why so many people give up on the possibility of being in a relationship because of that very fact. They have been in situations where the very thing the sought turned into lust. And so they are scared and ashamed of giving affection, or receiving it.
And people tell us that seeking affection(emotional) is wrong, and God does not want that at all.

I say thats a direct attack from Satan, and to Hell with Satan.
God wants all of us to be encouraged, and built up. But its how and where we seek the affection that really determines if it is good or bad.
But most people, especially when they are down, take whatever they can get.
I say to you, Don't settle for anything less than what God wants.

Well what does God want?
I say this, to be encouraged in your walk with Christ. To be built up to guard your heart against the world, and Satan. To have someone compliment you on your personality, and yes even make good remarks about your physical appearance.
It gets messy when people really go into detail about your physical features, or when they really go into detail about the emotional needs that are met by you.

So how do we deal with this sticky issue?

well first we have to pray. I know I know, we all get tired of hearing this, it seems like Prayer is the miracle cure for everything now days. But listen, prayer is direct intimate communication with God. If you are really serious about being affectionate in ur friendships without it turning into lust, then you must i mean must pray about the friendship. You have to pray for guidance and wisdom from God. There is no other way gang. I know because I have screwed it up so many times in my life.
Then you must communicate with the person you are being affectionate with. If it gets to that point where you do not know if the encouragement is more than friendship, do not be afraid to ask.
Do not wait for the other person to come out and tell you. They either know or they do not know. But why wait for all that? Why go through all that red tape. Be bold, speak up.
If you feel that the person made a remark that has more than one meaning, then ask them what do they mean by that remark. Chances are if they really care about you, then they will give you an honest answer. If they don't then I think you need to rethink the terms of friendship(closeness).

It is normal at times to feel lonely, we are human. But it is whether seek affection in the wrong places, or dwell on the issue that make us loose the direction from Christ.

read the Bible, get involved actively with a solid bible study and Church. Pray for spiritual friendships what will help you in you walk with Christ.
And don't worry, you are not alone on this issue. There are millions of people who feel the same way you do. There are millions of people who pray about the same things you do.

In closing, tell ol Satan to go back to Hell, and that In Jesus Name, You are victorious. You are better than what Satan tells you, and that Christ is the victor.

I hope this helps
God Bless, and Happy New Year!!


I John 4:11 God’s love for us gives us the capacity to love others. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love one another."`
I John 4:18 God’s love for us removes all fear. We can resolve our fears by focusing on His immeasurable love for us.
I John 4: 19 God’s love is the source of all human love. It is not natural for man to love God. We love Him because He first loved us."

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