Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Night Before Chrysalis

Just checked in earlier today with the Chrysalis, and I go to jam with the gang, Luke, Matty P, Randy, and Mike etc. We didn't know at first if we were going to have the Chrysalis retreat because of the Snow Storm. But we are going to go ahead and do it, Lord willing. And hopefully people can get here safe and sound. If we do not have it, then we will just be stuck here and jam!! haha!!
Just hearing the guys jam tonight was really good, reflective on life, and Jesus Savior Pilot Me is one of my all time favorites, and it was good because Matt and them said "we dedicate this song to Nick Cook." I need Jesus more and more to Pilot me. Especially in the hard times.

Thursday Night i spent the night alone in the cabin, because all of the guys had not come. Most of the leadership team was spread out and we just wanted to get our stuff settled in because the next day (Friday) would be a very long day starting very early.

I got spiritually attacked that night. A deep darkness came over me when I was sleeping. I was paralyzed and I could not open my eyes or hardly move. It was intense. Unlike most of the other attacks in the night, this one was longer, and it was so hard to fight it off. I had to call upon the name of Jesus several times, and rebuke the devil over and over. I knew that something big was going to happen over this retreat weekend, but I did not know what was going to happen. I finally was able to fight off the darkness, and I awoke screaming scripture.

Sometimes when God has big plans for me, Satan and his demons attack me. Maybe this has happened to you.
Satan had a glimpse of the outcome of this weekend, and he was trying to scare me into running away from this weekend's experience.

But only by the Grace of God, it did not happen.
I finally was able to get to sleep, and get up for the next day, ready to serve the Lord.

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