There is a time, I believe in the life of every Senior in College, that they freak out about what it is they are going to do once they graduate.
For some, it is choosing the right gradschool, others, the right job right out of college.
The fear of being hired, the fear of earning a degree that seems promising, but looking at out economy, may not be so promising.
For me, right now, I am yearning. I am yearning so much to know what it is that God has called me to do. I know it is ministry, that is something I have been embracing these last 3 years.
I have been freaking out this past week because I have not spent enough time in the Word, and I have not taken care of my body. It has been two weeks since I have ran, and before that, it was all over the place.
Senior year for me is tough. With my Senior Seminar class, and my textual analysis on theorists, I have spent many late nights and early mornings reading over countless texts.
This Sunday at IMPACT, Justin really spoke some truth that spoke to my inner being. It is Wednesday, and after speaking to my dad last night for like an hour, the truth is finally sinking in. How great is our God, who works His will in spite of me. My dad is a wise man. He really speaks truth into my life, and is both encouraging and challenging.
In order to know what specific ministry God is calling me to, I have to talk with a lot of people.
Military and non-military pastors, church staff members, missionaries, and motivational speakers are on my list.
Maybe going to seminary is for me, maybe it is not. That is not up to me to decide.
The good thing about passionately seeking God, and being fueled with the thought and desire of ministry makes my heart pound. (Job 37:1,5)
My heart is stirred (Psalm 45:1)
This whole thing reveals my desires. (Psalm 37:4)
My heart is set free (Psalm 119:32-34)
God can do anything, more than we can ask or imagine. (Eph 3:20-21)
I did run today, and let me just tell you, I feel better, I feel more alive, a sense of clarity. Emotionally balanced, more in tune with God. I like to pray while I run, and today, I feel better.
Thanks to Bradelyn for encouraging me, and for sharing her heart with me today. We are both in similar spots (ministry after college). It is good to be able to talk with someone who is dealing with that, but who is not struggling as much as me.
I know that today is a great day. I feel as if a heavy weight is being lifted up.
Thank You Jesus, for Your Love!!! You are the sustainer, the great redeemer.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Song of Hope" Robbie Seay Band
When God is going to move mightily in my life, like never before, I experience attacks from the Enemy. There is a sort of discernment in my heart and soul that I get. This uneasy feeling of like being followed, watched...a coldness.
Like some people, or most, who knows haha... I get attacked at night.... dreams, visions, noises, body pain... etc.
I'll tell you more about it one on one, but suffice to say..... It Sucks. It is something that you have to spiritually fight your way through, leaving you tired, and for me, cranky. I get cranky because it throws off my "routine." But that is the point right? To catch us off guard, and make us freak out and panic? Oh I think So.
But the beautiful thing is that I am always, always delivered!!!! ALWAYS! It's one of those things that you know before the attack happens. Like 2+2=4.... Attack +Holy Spirit(calling on the name of Jesus) = DELIVERED!!!!!! OH and The PEACE of CHRIST, that follows after, words cannot express. Even if I do loose sleep, and emotionally I am cranky the next day, I have this peace, this comfort knowing that I have been delivered.
I know that this weekend is going to be huge for me, HUGE. With all the things that are going on in my life right now, this weekend's message from Pastor will speak to my heart, and help to bring about change. There are things in my life that are set into motion and this weekend God will speak to my heart, and tell me which direction to move. There are people that I have to further encourage to come to Church this weekend(beg, plead).
"Song of Hope" by the Robbie Seay Band has really hepled me a lot. This song has helped me to focus on the Goodness of God, and His Love for me.
I am just so excited about SUNDAY!!!
Please Enjoy This Song "Song of Hope"
Like some people, or most, who knows haha... I get attacked at night.... dreams, visions, noises, body pain... etc.
I'll tell you more about it one on one, but suffice to say..... It Sucks. It is something that you have to spiritually fight your way through, leaving you tired, and for me, cranky. I get cranky because it throws off my "routine." But that is the point right? To catch us off guard, and make us freak out and panic? Oh I think So.
But the beautiful thing is that I am always, always delivered!!!! ALWAYS! It's one of those things that you know before the attack happens. Like 2+2=4.... Attack +Holy Spirit(calling on the name of Jesus) = DELIVERED!!!!!! OH and The PEACE of CHRIST, that follows after, words cannot express. Even if I do loose sleep, and emotionally I am cranky the next day, I have this peace, this comfort knowing that I have been delivered.
I know that this weekend is going to be huge for me, HUGE. With all the things that are going on in my life right now, this weekend's message from Pastor will speak to my heart, and help to bring about change. There are things in my life that are set into motion and this weekend God will speak to my heart, and tell me which direction to move. There are people that I have to further encourage to come to Church this weekend(beg, plead).
"Song of Hope" by the Robbie Seay Band has really hepled me a lot. This song has helped me to focus on the Goodness of God, and His Love for me.
I am just so excited about SUNDAY!!!
Please Enjoy This Song "Song of Hope"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Visionary Love, Dream Sex: late night ramblings
So after listening to Visionary Love, Dream Sex part one:Attraction for the second time, here are some of the things that spoke to my heart. Sorry I will ramble a bit, but here it goes.
Women, pray hard about a guy who is pursuing you. Please do not settle for less than God's best.
I beg you from the bottom of my heart, please do not give in to sexual temptation, and let some guy put his hands all over your body.
Guys, relax, get an accountability partner or group. Focus more on your spiritual walk, than your body. Don't date women just because they are "hot" The most attractive thing should her walk with Christ. Yes duh, looks are big, but "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."-Proverbs 31:30
If you can not be a leader and cover your sister's in Christ in your friendships, what makes you think you can be a leader in a relationship. Wake Up!!!
Seriously, get the whole putting the hands all over her body thing under control.
Pursue through Prayer, always, never stop. Always intercede for your sister's in Christ, and for the person you are interested in/relationship with.
One Thing I have learned...God has revealed this to me...
Do not pray for a girl that you are interested because you think that it will build up credit for you, and make God okay with your stupid self dating her. Instead pray for her because you are excited to see God move in her life, and because you are a man of God. ouch, that stings.
Women, seriously, be modest. Don't be a hoochie, and really, showing your boobs and all that junk, really makes you look slutty. I believe it is one of the most frustrating things for a Man of God. If you want to attract Godly men, then dress with modesty. AND NO DRUNK PICTURES ON FACE BOOK.
Sorry, I just needed to ramble... stressful week with school. Not directed at anyone, just at the World.
- Be attracted to someone's name: a person's name reflects their character, their reputation. There is a lot in a name... ie JESUS. I personally am more attracted to a person's character than their physical appearance. They could be the hottest thing since sliced bread, but its their character in Christ that I am really focused on.
- I have been learning more and more these past 2 years to be a better banner, a covering of Love. To cover my sister's in Christ, to protect them, and their hearts, as would Christ do. It is not always easy, and sometimes it is very painful. I am finding more and more that it requires me to listen more, and then speak. But speak what God has placed on my heart and not just my opinions.
- But the joy, and the fruit of being a banner is that I get to see God move in their lives. I am learning more and more to call out their potential, and encourage their hearts. Prayer is really the key, and God is really the one who is doing all of this. I am just so excited to see my sister's in Christ become bold, unashamed, and sold out for Christ.
- The good thing about having pure, Godly friendships with my sister's in Christ, is that I get to see real live models of how a Woman of God should live her life. I do have close guy friends, and I do spend a lot of time with the fella's, just fyi haha.
- These women have taught me the standards that a woman of God should have.
- The best example is my mom. She embodies a Godly Woman. Always striving to grow closer in Christ. Always encouraging me, and calling out my potential. I love my mom very much, and I am so thankful to have her in my life. She has always helped me to find my confidence in Christ.
Women, pray hard about a guy who is pursuing you. Please do not settle for less than God's best.
I beg you from the bottom of my heart, please do not give in to sexual temptation, and let some guy put his hands all over your body.
Guys, relax, get an accountability partner or group. Focus more on your spiritual walk, than your body. Don't date women just because they are "hot" The most attractive thing should her walk with Christ. Yes duh, looks are big, but "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."-Proverbs 31:30
If you can not be a leader and cover your sister's in Christ in your friendships, what makes you think you can be a leader in a relationship. Wake Up!!!
Seriously, get the whole putting the hands all over her body thing under control.
Pursue through Prayer, always, never stop. Always intercede for your sister's in Christ, and for the person you are interested in/relationship with.
One Thing I have learned...God has revealed this to me...
Do not pray for a girl that you are interested because you think that it will build up credit for you, and make God okay with your stupid self dating her. Instead pray for her because you are excited to see God move in her life, and because you are a man of God. ouch, that stings.
Women, seriously, be modest. Don't be a hoochie, and really, showing your boobs and all that junk, really makes you look slutty. I believe it is one of the most frustrating things for a Man of God. If you want to attract Godly men, then dress with modesty. AND NO DRUNK PICTURES ON FACE BOOK.
Sorry, I just needed to ramble... stressful week with school. Not directed at anyone, just at the World.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Visionary Love, Dream Sex
What an awesome day today!!
The sermon was just so ummm AWESOME!!
God really brought the Word, and it really hit home!!
Just so much to process.... I will write about it when I listen to the Sermon again.
Praise God!!!
I am just so excited!!
Vision Casting, next steps in this process in order to be more of the man that God created me to be!!!
Stay Tuned!!!!
Mean while, Elevation Made the Front Page Paper!!
Check it out!!
A Cool Pastor, And A Hot Church
The sermon was just so ummm AWESOME!!
God really brought the Word, and it really hit home!!
Just so much to process.... I will write about it when I listen to the Sermon again.
Praise God!!!
I am just so excited!!
Vision Casting, next steps in this process in order to be more of the man that God created me to be!!!
Stay Tuned!!!!
Mean while, Elevation Made the Front Page Paper!!
Check it out!!
A Cool Pastor, And A Hot Church
Saturday, September 13, 2008
1,000 Fliers
I am posting Ethan's blog in here so that yall may read it and be caught up on what God is doing in our lives this week.
We got some fliers this past week, and went door to door in his dorm. It was crazy awesome, you have to read about it here. Ethan King
We have this passion to reach people for Christ on this campus.
Anyway, we pretty much ran out of fliers and we wanted to get more.
I called the office, but I could not get a hold of anyone at the time who knew if there were more fliers to give me and Ethan so we could pass them out on campus.
Wednesday night I prayed before going to bed: Lord, we love doing this for You we want to see lost people come into a relationship with you, and see others who are saved be able to find a church where they can get plugged in. If this is Your will, and Your desire for us, would you please have someone from the Elevation Office call me in the morning and give me more fliers.
So Thursday morning, I am getting some breakfast, and the phone rings. It is Larry Brey, and he says that he has 1,000 fliers specifically for the UNCC campus, and they are all mine to come and pick up. PRAISE GOD!! HE IS SOO GOOD!! WHAT A MIRACLE!!!
Could yall just please pray for Ethan and my self, but more importantly could y'all pray for the people when hand these fliers out to. I am declaring in the Lord that people's hearts would be open to receive the drawing of the Holy Spirit, and that people from UNC-C will get saved during this series.
Thanks for being in agreement.
(if you want to help, please post a comment here or on facebook)
Praise God!!!
We got some fliers this past week, and went door to door in his dorm. It was crazy awesome, you have to read about it here. Ethan King
We have this passion to reach people for Christ on this campus.
Anyway, we pretty much ran out of fliers and we wanted to get more.
I called the office, but I could not get a hold of anyone at the time who knew if there were more fliers to give me and Ethan so we could pass them out on campus.
Wednesday night I prayed before going to bed: Lord, we love doing this for You we want to see lost people come into a relationship with you, and see others who are saved be able to find a church where they can get plugged in. If this is Your will, and Your desire for us, would you please have someone from the Elevation Office call me in the morning and give me more fliers.
So Thursday morning, I am getting some breakfast, and the phone rings. It is Larry Brey, and he says that he has 1,000 fliers specifically for the UNCC campus, and they are all mine to come and pick up. PRAISE GOD!! HE IS SOO GOOD!! WHAT A MIRACLE!!!
Could yall just please pray for Ethan and my self, but more importantly could y'all pray for the people when hand these fliers out to. I am declaring in the Lord that people's hearts would be open to receive the drawing of the Holy Spirit, and that people from UNC-C will get saved during this series.
Thanks for being in agreement.
(if you want to help, please post a comment here or on facebook)
Praise God!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Fruit of Intercessory Prayer
"Prophetic intercession is the ability to receive an immediate prayer request from God and pray about it in a divinely anointed utterance" (Dutch Sheets) .
Romans 8:27 & 34: "Intercession" – Greek = "entugchano" meaning "to chance upon, to confer, to entreat," and is translated as – "to plead, to appeal."
I have just been in awe, sheer awe of the Goodness of God. He is moving mightily in my life, and the people's lives around me.
I am seeing both saved and un-saved people's lives affected by prayer.
I am seeing God do amazing things, one after another.
God has given me this gift in order that I may help bear people's burdens, and encourage change in their lives. It is such an awesome gift that I get to use to help Glorify God. By praying specifically for people, and watching God move, always changes my outlook on life and prayer.
I am seeing the Holy Spirit draw un-saved people closer to Christ on a daily basis, and I am seeing saved people deepen their walk with Christ.
God is moving in people's relationships, drug and drinking problems, contentment with singleness, family issues, issues with revelation, healing, eating disorders...and more.
Right now, a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am finally content in my singleness. Thank all of you for the many prayers, and the long time it has taken me to get here. Thank all of you for interceding to God on my behalf that I would continue to reach my full potential in Christ. These prayers have changed my outlook in like, and have fueled my passion more and more these past several months. Your support; words of wisdom, encouragement, loving rebuke, and the sheer power of prayer, have been huge factors in my walk with Christ. Thank you all!!
I know God gets all the glory, but thank you for being obedient to His Will.
Who is it in your life that you need to specifically pray for? Who in your life needs life changing prayer in order to deal with the blows of life and reach their potential in Christ?
Earth Shaking Prayer
Romans 8:27 & 34: "Intercession" – Greek = "entugchano" meaning "to chance upon, to confer, to entreat," and is translated as – "to plead, to appeal."
Romans 8:26 – The Spirit of God "intercedes" for us – root word means – "to intercede, to make petition" – like the petitions we make to Government, when we want to be heard – signed by thousands. The Holy Spirit doesn’t have to get millions of signatures – His Word is enough before God.
I have just been in awe, sheer awe of the Goodness of God. He is moving mightily in my life, and the people's lives around me.
I am seeing both saved and un-saved people's lives affected by prayer.
I am seeing God do amazing things, one after another.
God has given me this gift in order that I may help bear people's burdens, and encourage change in their lives. It is such an awesome gift that I get to use to help Glorify God. By praying specifically for people, and watching God move, always changes my outlook on life and prayer.
I am seeing the Holy Spirit draw un-saved people closer to Christ on a daily basis, and I am seeing saved people deepen their walk with Christ.
God is moving in people's relationships, drug and drinking problems, contentment with singleness, family issues, issues with revelation, healing, eating disorders...and more.
Right now, a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am finally content in my singleness. Thank all of you for the many prayers, and the long time it has taken me to get here. Thank all of you for interceding to God on my behalf that I would continue to reach my full potential in Christ. These prayers have changed my outlook in like, and have fueled my passion more and more these past several months. Your support; words of wisdom, encouragement, loving rebuke, and the sheer power of prayer, have been huge factors in my walk with Christ. Thank you all!!
I know God gets all the glory, but thank you for being obedient to His Will.
Who is it in your life that you need to specifically pray for? Who in your life needs life changing prayer in order to deal with the blows of life and reach their potential in Christ?
Earth Shaking Prayer
Thursday, September 11, 2008
just some rambling
So I am very very excited because my dad and I are both going through the book of John together. We are going to read a chapter each day, and then discuss what really stood out to us.
I just got done reading Black No More for my senior seminar, and let me just tell you it is a great book!! I am so excited to be able to do my senior paper (at least 20pages) on something which really speaks to my heart. Religion, and Race, and the problem of justifying racism using religion.
I'll write more on what God has been doing in my life this week later on!!!
I just got done reading Black No More for my senior seminar, and let me just tell you it is a great book!! I am so excited to be able to do my senior paper (at least 20pages) on something which really speaks to my heart. Religion, and Race, and the problem of justifying racism using religion.
I'll write more on what God has been doing in my life this week later on!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ethan King...nuf said!!
So much can be said about Ethan King, my main man, and very true friend of about 4-5 years.
I have gotten to know Ethan really well, especially these past 2 years.
I have seen him grow in Christ, through the tough times and the great times.
I have seen first hand what God can do with a young person who is passionately seeking God first, before anything else.
He has always been there for me, and even though I have been mentoring him, he is now mentoring me in some areas of my life.
God is just so good.
Hebrews 10:24 says this:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."
Ethan, has just been a positive influence in my life. To be able to fellowship with him, has just changed my perspective of life. When God calls us to pour into people, and when we do, He can do more than we can ever ask or imagine!!
Ethan is just sold out for Jesus. He walks Jesus, talks Jesus, he breathes Jesus. God has such a mighty hand on him, and God has called Ethan to do big, things, life changing things. To impact this campus, and this city for the Glory of God.
To just be around him, really brings me joy. Ethan is so positive, and others are attracted to the Joy of the Lord that is in him.
Ethan, I love you man!! Man of God!! I just wanted to say thank you, publicly for all the hard work you put in for Christ. All the late night talks you have with others, and the passion in which you serve Christ, is challenging, and encouraging.
Continue to walk in the way that leads to life. Continue to push through the hard times, running hard after Christ.
We both have a long way to go, but I know that God has placed you in my life as my sounding board. A person who I can always turn to when in need. And this year, already, you have done a hands down job of that already.
Be encouraged man of God, and challenged by this.
Acts 20:24, remember!!!
Luke 19:10.
Again, I love you so much man of God!!!
I have gotten to know Ethan really well, especially these past 2 years.
I have seen him grow in Christ, through the tough times and the great times.
I have seen first hand what God can do with a young person who is passionately seeking God first, before anything else.
He has always been there for me, and even though I have been mentoring him, he is now mentoring me in some areas of my life.
God is just so good.
Hebrews 10:24 says this:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."
Ethan, has just been a positive influence in my life. To be able to fellowship with him, has just changed my perspective of life. When God calls us to pour into people, and when we do, He can do more than we can ever ask or imagine!!
Ethan is just sold out for Jesus. He walks Jesus, talks Jesus, he breathes Jesus. God has such a mighty hand on him, and God has called Ethan to do big, things, life changing things. To impact this campus, and this city for the Glory of God.
To just be around him, really brings me joy. Ethan is so positive, and others are attracted to the Joy of the Lord that is in him.
Ethan, I love you man!! Man of God!! I just wanted to say thank you, publicly for all the hard work you put in for Christ. All the late night talks you have with others, and the passion in which you serve Christ, is challenging, and encouraging.
Continue to walk in the way that leads to life. Continue to push through the hard times, running hard after Christ.
We both have a long way to go, but I know that God has placed you in my life as my sounding board. A person who I can always turn to when in need. And this year, already, you have done a hands down job of that already.
Be encouraged man of God, and challenged by this.
Acts 20:24, remember!!!
Luke 19:10.
Again, I love you so much man of God!!!
how to turn "Waiting on God" into "Running With Your Heart"
So I can be very impatient at times, like really!! One thing that really bothers me is having to wait in line for things. I am ADD/ADHD, whatever, and I just can't sit or stand still for very long time without getting restless.
Which reminds me of how frustrated I get sometimes when people say "Oh well you need to just wait on God," when I am going through a trial in my spiritual life. "Let go and let God." Oh man that floors me because people usually do not tell me how to wait on God. How do I "let go and let God?"
"What do you mean?" "Do I just sit around, and do nothing?" "Or, should I be doing something?"
I think people just say that a lot ( me included) to other people without thinking. It is like the "Christian thing to say." Its good to tell others to wait on God before making bad decisions, or continuing in negative thought which can leave you feeling alone and unloved. But what does that mean?
I believe that God does want us to wait on Him. In his Word, God says in Psalm 27:14.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.
But the lie that Satan uses to trick us into becoming static is something like this: "Oh well yes, wait on God, sit back, do nothing, and maybe if you wait long enough, God will do something." "Just wait around, and in time, God will do something...probably....well not really.....okay, you gotta act now"
The danger in doing nothing, is that you are doing something: running away from God. Not God running away from you, you are running away from Him. God is not a God of just waiting around. He is not a static God who wants you to pick a number, and get in line ( the whole time you are complaining about just standing around).
Waiting on God means that you keep praying, you keep asking God to give you revelation. You still go to Church, you still read your Bible, and seek counsel from His Word. I know it is easy to get frustrated, but as Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring says, "how can you expect to get any revelation from God when you are frustrated with God?"
Remember Paul said in Romans 12:12
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Waiting is an action the requires us to be joyful in the hope we have in Christ. To be patient in affliction by praying, always without ceasing.
I have been more mindful and intentionally in how I use my mouth to give advice from the Lord. I do not want to use some cliche in place of pouring out what God has on my heart. Now I explain what waiting on God really means. There are tons of verses that can help a person who is struggling with waiting, and it would take me all day to say them. But I just wanted to use the ones that spoke to my heart.
Remember that you are more than a person standing in line, you are more than just some guy/girl. You, as Pastor Steven Furtick says, are a "Divine Design with a Divine Destiny." Go claim it, do not loose heart, keep praying, keep looking, watching, praying, asking, seeking, knocking.
I hope these last verses really encourage you as you struggle with waiting.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Matthew 11:12
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
Which reminds me of how frustrated I get sometimes when people say "Oh well you need to just wait on God," when I am going through a trial in my spiritual life. "Let go and let God." Oh man that floors me because people usually do not tell me how to wait on God. How do I "let go and let God?"
"What do you mean?" "Do I just sit around, and do nothing?" "Or, should I be doing something?"
I think people just say that a lot ( me included) to other people without thinking. It is like the "Christian thing to say." Its good to tell others to wait on God before making bad decisions, or continuing in negative thought which can leave you feeling alone and unloved. But what does that mean?
I believe that God does want us to wait on Him. In his Word, God says in Psalm 27:14.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.
But the lie that Satan uses to trick us into becoming static is something like this: "Oh well yes, wait on God, sit back, do nothing, and maybe if you wait long enough, God will do something." "Just wait around, and in time, God will do something...probably....well not really.....okay, you gotta act now"
The danger in doing nothing, is that you are doing something: running away from God. Not God running away from you, you are running away from Him. God is not a God of just waiting around. He is not a static God who wants you to pick a number, and get in line ( the whole time you are complaining about just standing around).
Waiting on God means that you keep praying, you keep asking God to give you revelation. You still go to Church, you still read your Bible, and seek counsel from His Word. I know it is easy to get frustrated, but as Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring says, "how can you expect to get any revelation from God when you are frustrated with God?"
Remember Paul said in Romans 12:12
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Waiting is an action the requires us to be joyful in the hope we have in Christ. To be patient in affliction by praying, always without ceasing.
I have been more mindful and intentionally in how I use my mouth to give advice from the Lord. I do not want to use some cliche in place of pouring out what God has on my heart. Now I explain what waiting on God really means. There are tons of verses that can help a person who is struggling with waiting, and it would take me all day to say them. But I just wanted to use the ones that spoke to my heart.
Remember that you are more than a person standing in line, you are more than just some guy/girl. You, as Pastor Steven Furtick says, are a "Divine Design with a Divine Destiny." Go claim it, do not loose heart, keep praying, keep looking, watching, praying, asking, seeking, knocking.
I hope these last verses really encourage you as you struggle with waiting.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Matthew 11:12
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
Crazy Times,
life. not making any sense,
The Process
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Last day of Daniel Fast
Dude, today was just so awesome!!!!
Today the Daniel Fast ended, and it has been just an amazing time for me.
The results of fasting and praying as a church for those whom we want to see come to know Christ are just mind blowing. 903!!! 903 people who have given their lives to Christ, and who are starting their next steps.
All the fasting, the not eating of the foods that we take for granted each day is nothing compared to the suffering of those who need a relationship with Christ. To see the Church as a whole come together to fast and pray for others, opens the door for God's Holy Spirit to be unleashed and do more than we can ever ask or imagine.
I am just so blessed to be a part of something bigger than me, something that is so huge, it can only come from God: To see lost people come into a personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Oh yeah, today I got to help do set up with Lance Daniels, and Mark Bowen. Man was that fun!!!! I def love setting up with those guys, and I feel so alive serving Elevation. Being a greeter, and setting up, building community, just brightens up my soul.
Today, my friend Gina and I got to serve HOLLY FURTICK!! OH YEAH!!
To be honest, I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know how we would be able to serve her. It was just so awesome being able to do small things, to serve one of our key leaders. It was a very humbling and wonderful experience. Holly is such an amazing person, filled with the Holy Spirit. She is so sweet and kind. And man, does she love Jesus!!
I am just so blessed to be a part of Elevation, a Church where it's leaders are just so focused and sold out for Christ!!
And finally, I got to eat some real food at the Cook/Angel family reunion. OH YEAH! Southern style Mac and Cheese, meatballs, pork tenderloin, ham, Home Made Chicken Pot Pie!!! OH YES, with Home Made Ice Cream!!!! oooohhh man!! Praise God!!!!
God is soo good!!
Today the Daniel Fast ended, and it has been just an amazing time for me.
The results of fasting and praying as a church for those whom we want to see come to know Christ are just mind blowing. 903!!! 903 people who have given their lives to Christ, and who are starting their next steps.
All the fasting, the not eating of the foods that we take for granted each day is nothing compared to the suffering of those who need a relationship with Christ. To see the Church as a whole come together to fast and pray for others, opens the door for God's Holy Spirit to be unleashed and do more than we can ever ask or imagine.
I am just so blessed to be a part of something bigger than me, something that is so huge, it can only come from God: To see lost people come into a personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Oh yeah, today I got to help do set up with Lance Daniels, and Mark Bowen. Man was that fun!!!! I def love setting up with those guys, and I feel so alive serving Elevation. Being a greeter, and setting up, building community, just brightens up my soul.
Today, my friend Gina and I got to serve HOLLY FURTICK!! OH YEAH!!
To be honest, I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know how we would be able to serve her. It was just so awesome being able to do small things, to serve one of our key leaders. It was a very humbling and wonderful experience. Holly is such an amazing person, filled with the Holy Spirit. She is so sweet and kind. And man, does she love Jesus!!
I am just so blessed to be a part of Elevation, a Church where it's leaders are just so focused and sold out for Christ!!
And finally, I got to eat some real food at the Cook/Angel family reunion. OH YEAH! Southern style Mac and Cheese, meatballs, pork tenderloin, ham, Home Made Chicken Pot Pie!!! OH YES, with Home Made Ice Cream!!!! oooohhh man!! Praise God!!!!
God is soo good!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday Night Worship @ Davidson
One thing I really look forward to as school starts is going to Davidson College Thursday nights for worship.
It is a time and place where I can go and get refreshed by spending intimate time with Jesus.
Last night was just so amazing. Ethan, my main man from back home who is a freshman, rolled out there with me early to pray before worship.
I really had an amazing time praying with people for God to move in worship. God is soo good!!
He showed up last night, just as He always does, and man, I was just blown away.
For me, Davidson worship means a lot to me because no matter how bad my week has been, I have a place and a time where I can just go worship God and how good He is. I get to journal while people are singing over me.
I really am so blessed to have Lauren, Jake, James, Conor, Brad, Sarah Kay, and all those who are a part of Davidson worship in my life.
Davidson Worship always helps me to get the right perspective of just how good God is.
I just feel so refreshed, and so excited to see God move more in my life and those around me.
Man, God is soo good. Thank you God for this amazing week, and the amazing friends you have placed in my life.
It is a time and place where I can go and get refreshed by spending intimate time with Jesus.
Last night was just so amazing. Ethan, my main man from back home who is a freshman, rolled out there with me early to pray before worship.
I really had an amazing time praying with people for God to move in worship. God is soo good!!
He showed up last night, just as He always does, and man, I was just blown away.
For me, Davidson worship means a lot to me because no matter how bad my week has been, I have a place and a time where I can just go worship God and how good He is. I get to journal while people are singing over me.
I really am so blessed to have Lauren, Jake, James, Conor, Brad, Sarah Kay, and all those who are a part of Davidson worship in my life.
Davidson Worship always helps me to get the right perspective of just how good God is.
I just feel so refreshed, and so excited to see God move more in my life and those around me.
Man, God is soo good. Thank you God for this amazing week, and the amazing friends you have placed in my life.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Can God really use our suffering to bring others closer to Him?
So recently there has been some stretching and pulling from God that has been going around in my life and my friend's lives as well.
Each of us have been experiencing growth, at different times, and at different levels. In fact for most of us, there is always a hard trial that God leads us through, before we (humans) see the work that God is doing and see the impact it has in other people's lives.
Like Christ, our sufferings have the potential to lead others to God. Our sufferings have the ability to show others just how much we need Christ, and just how good God is, even when the bottom falls out. We can show others the hope that we have in Christ.
Now, I know this is not all oooey gooey...Life is hard, and it really sucks at times.
When our everyday rituals get shredded, we tend to loose focus, get frustrated, and head off course.
This past Sunday Pastor Steven used the story about when Lazarus died, and when Jesus raised him from the dead, to teach how to deal with the times when it seems as if God is not showing up in our lives in times of crisis.
Pastor Perry Noble also preached on what do to when it life gets harder and the bottom falls out. When we run so hard after Jesus, and when we are faced with life changing, faith altering circumstances that leave us frustrated, scared, and ready to throw in the towel.
I challenge you guys to watch both sermons in order that you may better understand how "God can take our greatest pain, and turn into our greatest gain"
Elevation Sermon: "I Am The Resurrection"
NewSpring Sermon: "It's Midnight"
Sermon starts around 11:30 if you wanted to skip the worship.
For me, and you can ask my mom, and those who know me very well... when I get out of my normal ritual, especially my workout ritual...I get very very cranky. I get stressed out, and I have all this energy that I need to get out.
I am already an impatient person, and I become even more impatient. And the reason why I do not get to work out is because I have so much school work to do, and ministry work.
My intimate time with God also goes out the window, so I am tempted to sin, to get angry with others, to doubt my self, and to become static.
Sometimes after that, I get the fear of never getting back to the place where I was before, or moving forward. I feel as if I am worhtless.
BUT, God does deliver me, every time, whether it is in the way I want it to, or not. and that gets me pumped up. God is so great.
Point: I am not perfect, I am human like the rest of us. Others believe that life is always great for me, that I do not struggle with insecurities, that I do not get stressed out, maxed out. But I do, and I need Christ just as much as the next person. Sometimes I feel I need Christ more because I become such a wreck.
Main Point: God will use our sufferings, just as He used Christ's to lead others to Him, and He will always deliver us, ALWAYS. He is God, He is just soo good.
What will you do? How will you give your suffering to Christ so that He can use it to bring others closer to Him? How will you let God deliver you?
Each of us have been experiencing growth, at different times, and at different levels. In fact for most of us, there is always a hard trial that God leads us through, before we (humans) see the work that God is doing and see the impact it has in other people's lives.
Like Christ, our sufferings have the potential to lead others to God. Our sufferings have the ability to show others just how much we need Christ, and just how good God is, even when the bottom falls out. We can show others the hope that we have in Christ.
Now, I know this is not all oooey gooey...Life is hard, and it really sucks at times.
When our everyday rituals get shredded, we tend to loose focus, get frustrated, and head off course.
This past Sunday Pastor Steven used the story about when Lazarus died, and when Jesus raised him from the dead, to teach how to deal with the times when it seems as if God is not showing up in our lives in times of crisis.
Pastor Perry Noble also preached on what do to when it life gets harder and the bottom falls out. When we run so hard after Jesus, and when we are faced with life changing, faith altering circumstances that leave us frustrated, scared, and ready to throw in the towel.
I challenge you guys to watch both sermons in order that you may better understand how "God can take our greatest pain, and turn into our greatest gain"
Elevation Sermon: "I Am The Resurrection"
NewSpring Sermon: "It's Midnight"
Sermon starts around 11:30 if you wanted to skip the worship.
For me, and you can ask my mom, and those who know me very well... when I get out of my normal ritual, especially my workout ritual...I get very very cranky. I get stressed out, and I have all this energy that I need to get out.
I am already an impatient person, and I become even more impatient. And the reason why I do not get to work out is because I have so much school work to do, and ministry work.
My intimate time with God also goes out the window, so I am tempted to sin, to get angry with others, to doubt my self, and to become static.
Sometimes after that, I get the fear of never getting back to the place where I was before, or moving forward. I feel as if I am worhtless.
BUT, God does deliver me, every time, whether it is in the way I want it to, or not. and that gets me pumped up. God is so great.
Point: I am not perfect, I am human like the rest of us. Others believe that life is always great for me, that I do not struggle with insecurities, that I do not get stressed out, maxed out. But I do, and I need Christ just as much as the next person. Sometimes I feel I need Christ more because I become such a wreck.
Main Point: God will use our sufferings, just as He used Christ's to lead others to Him, and He will always deliver us, ALWAYS. He is God, He is just soo good.
What will you do? How will you give your suffering to Christ so that He can use it to bring others closer to Him? How will you let God deliver you?
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