Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Visionary Love, Dream Sex: late night ramblings

So after listening to Visionary Love, Dream Sex part one:Attraction for the second time, here are some of the things that spoke to my heart. Sorry I will ramble a bit, but here it goes.

  • Be attracted to someone's name: a person's name reflects their character, their reputation. There is a lot in a name... ie JESUS. I personally am more attracted to a person's character than their physical appearance. They could be the hottest thing since sliced bread, but its their character in Christ that I am really focused on.
  • I have been learning more and more these past 2 years to be a better banner, a covering of Love. To cover my sister's in Christ, to protect them, and their hearts, as would Christ do. It is not always easy, and sometimes it is very painful. I am finding more and more that it requires me to listen more, and then speak. But speak what God has placed on my heart and not just my opinions.
  • But the joy, and the fruit of being a banner is that I get to see God move in their lives. I am learning more and more to call out their potential, and encourage their hearts. Prayer is really the key, and God is really the one who is doing all of this. I am just so excited to see my sister's in Christ become bold, unashamed, and sold out for Christ.
  • The good thing about having pure, Godly friendships with my sister's in Christ, is that I get to see real live models of how a Woman of God should live her life. I do have close guy friends, and I do spend a lot of time with the fella's, just fyi haha.
  • These women have taught me the standards that a woman of God should have.
  • The best example is my mom. She embodies a Godly Woman. Always striving to grow closer in Christ. Always encouraging me, and calling out my potential. I love my mom very much, and I am so thankful to have her in my life. She has always helped me to find my confidence in Christ.
well I guess I am done for now... not really, but I gots stuff to do.

Women, pray hard about a guy who is pursuing you. Please do not settle for less than God's best.
I beg you from the bottom of my heart, please do not give in to sexual temptation, and let some guy put his hands all over your body.

Guys, relax, get an accountability partner or group. Focus more on your spiritual walk, than your body. Don't date women just because they are "hot" The most attractive thing should her walk with Christ. Yes duh, looks are big, but "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."-Proverbs 31:30

If you can not be a leader and cover your sister's in Christ in your friendships, what makes you think you can be a leader in a relationship. Wake Up!!!
Seriously, get the whole putting the hands all over her body thing under control.

Pursue through Prayer, always, never stop. Always intercede for your sister's in Christ, and for the person you are interested in/relationship with.

One Thing I have learned...God has revealed this to me...
Do not pray for a girl that you are interested because you think that it will build up credit for you, and make God okay with your stupid self dating her. Instead pray for her because you are excited to see God move in her life, and because you are a man of God. ouch, that stings.

Women, seriously, be modest. Don't be a hoochie, and really, showing your boobs and all that junk, really makes you look slutty. I believe it is one of the most frustrating things for a Man of God. If you want to attract Godly men, then dress with modesty. AND NO DRUNK PICTURES ON FACE BOOK.

Sorry, I just needed to ramble... stressful week with school. Not directed at anyone, just at the World.


Anonymous said...

Amen Buddy

Dig you feet in deep and stand firm against the winds of the storm

Emily Makar said...

thanks for this, nick!!!