Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday Night Worship @ Davidson

One thing I really look forward to as school starts is going to Davidson College Thursday nights for worship.

It is a time and place where I can go and get refreshed by spending intimate time with Jesus.
Last night was just so amazing. Ethan, my main man from back home who is a freshman, rolled out there with me early to pray before worship.
I really had an amazing time praying with people for God to move in worship. God is soo good!!
He showed up last night, just as He always does, and man, I was just blown away.

For me, Davidson worship means a lot to me because no matter how bad my week has been, I have a place and a time where I can just go worship God and how good He is. I get to journal while people are singing over me.

I really am so blessed to have Lauren, Jake, James, Conor, Brad, Sarah Kay, and all those who are a part of Davidson worship in my life.
Davidson Worship always helps me to get the right perspective of just how good God is.
I just feel so refreshed, and so excited to see God move more in my life and those around me.

Man, God is soo good. Thank you God for this amazing week, and the amazing friends you have placed in my life.

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