Monday, November 12, 2007

Note to Biblical Women (from Apr 16th 2007)

Hey, I have been listening to a lot of sermons on Biblical Womanhood, and the Beauty of a Woman. I can't tag all of you haha but spread this to your friends.
This is for women in general, but today, the LORD has lead me to write this for the single ones. (it can also apply to women struggling in relationships)

(ALSO, I tagged you ladies because The Lord told me to. There is nothing wrong with you or anything haha, I am just doing what The Lord told me to do). Maybe you already know this this stuff and thats fine, but maybe you have a friend who needs to be encouraged and some of this scripture may help)

1) Do not give up! Do not back down and settle for anything less that what God has in store for you. You are single for a reason, not because you are not beautiful, or you are damaged goods(GOD DOES NOT MAKE JUNK) or that you do not have what it takes.. You are Single because God is still working in you and you can better serve Him right now through your singleness.

Scripture says:
1 Corinthians 7:34
"An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs:
Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit"

2) Fight the emotional lust. Satan wants you to be distracted, and to focus on the fact that you are single, more than on what you can be doing for The Lord in your singleness. He[SATAN] will play with your emotions, and give you the desire to daydream about your husband. He will also give you the desire to want to focus on being in a relationship, and wanting to look for the right man at all times. Do not let him win. Also the World will tell you who you should date, and why, and what you should do to please your man. That is a bunch of crap. Only The Lord Most High has the right to tell you what you can/cannot do. Pray that God will give you strength to fight your flesh, and your emotions. God will give you the desires of your heart, if and only if they will Glorify Him.

Scripture says
Psalm 37:4
"Delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart"

Sisters, this, besides being God's beauty incarnate; is what defines you and makes you soo stinking attractive, and captivating.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

3) Fear the Lord, continue to seek Him, and be clothed with strength and dignity. Therefore you can laugh at what the world tells you, and rest assured in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verses 25 and 30 explain why a Biblical woman is soo attractive.
You fear the Lord. You are intimate with Him. You seek Him, and put Him first.
A Biblical woman is soo beautiful because she embodies God's beauty. She desires to follow Him, and do His Will. She is running soo hard after Him, and she does not want to look back. When the time is right, look beside you for a man, not behind you!!! God will reveal when you are ready, the perfect man for you. You are clothing yourself with strength to stand up for your faith. You are clothing yourself with dignity so that God can work great works through you.

The most attractive thing about you is your walk with the LORD. Yes you are beautiful, and you are captivating, but it is the Lord who makes you this way.
The more you run after Him, the more beauty (God's beauty) will be revealed to you, and those around you!!

Finally I again urge you to not settle for anything convenient.
There may be a guy who is your ideal husband, and he may be a great friend of yours. He may be an outstanding man for the Lord. That is great, Praise God for putting a man like him in your life. But, get to know him as a brother first. God will give you wisdom, and direction on how to be friends. But you must pray, and pour out your heart to The Lord every day!!! He will tell you if this guy is the one for you. But you must be patient. Even if this guy is not the one for you, and you are hoping soo much that he will be your husband; REST IN THE FACT THAT GOD HAS SOMEONE BETTER, SOMEONE PERFECT FOR YOU,AND YOU ALONE!!!!!!

Continue to pray for your future husband, but do not focus on the here and now. Instead I encourage you to keep living for God like you have been living.

I respect you women because you are mighty in The Lord. You are strong, and mighty! Do NOT BACK OFF, DOMINATE!!! (your heart, your emotions, your walk with the Lord)

(Do not put all your hopes and dreams in to a biblical man, put them instead in Jesus Christ. For a Biblical man can guard your heart, and offer his strength, but it is your heart, and you must guard it. You must let God guard it first, before any man.)

Sorry this is soo long, and I just randomly wrote this note because the Spirit Led me
I do not care what you think, I know that I am right on this, and I am sure I'll catch some heat from my brothers in Christ, but Lets face it,

Guys if you read this, get your junk squared away first. DO NOT OFFER YOUR STRENGTH TO A WOMAN IF YOU ARE NOT WALKING SOUNDLY WITH THE LORD. Even if it is in friendship. Get your junk squared away, then you can step up and be a leader. I know these women, and they will not let you into their hearts until you can step up and be a Man for God.

Lastly, I am not perfect, I am a sinner like everybody else. But I do know the results first hand of focusing on your emotions, and what the world wants you to do.
Being Single is a Joy, and a privilege. I have soo much free time to do what The Lord wants me to do. THAT's THE POINT!!!


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