Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What will you do after thanksgiving?

I cannot stop thinking for those who are overseas, in broken homes, alone, homeless, and lost

What will we all do after Thanksgiving is over?
Did you know that Thanksgiving is one of the highlights for these people?
I am learning more and more of that as I do outreach.
It is heart wrenching, and it makes me cry. I cry out to God because it is not fair that these people cannot have what most of us have.
It is our job to reach out to these people and give them the best dang Thanksgiving that they can have despite their situations.

but why just Thanksgiving?
Why wont more people reach out, and pour out their hearts year round like they do during the holidays?
It is good that we do this during the holidays, but is it more for our satisfaction?
Is it to ease the guilt of having it soo good?
You bet that is why alot of people do this. But God gets glorified in this, but why not do this kind of thing year round.

My homeless guys, and many others are going to go right back to fighting for themselves, and being alone on Friday while we are out shopping for Christmas.

What will you do after Thanksgiving?
Will you reach out to the needy, the poor, the sick, the lame, the def, the mute and those in prison?

I say this country needs to change, and go back to the Gospel.
I am no saint, I need to continue to do this as well, because I am like everybody else who is obsessed with themselves.

Sorry for ranting, but I needed to get this off my chest and heart.

I hope all of you have a Safe and Blessed Thanksgiving, I really do.
I hope God Blesses each and every one of you, and that you will have a blast!

Praise God!!!

If you have not gotten the REMEDY from DAVID CROWDER then you need to!!
It is a great CD
The Last Song "Surely We can Change"
talks about what we must do.

Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change
Surely we can change

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