Saturday, March 1, 2008

Davidson Worship


This past Thursday was one of the best worship experiences I have had at Davidson, which is awesome because I usually have a hands down awesome time!

My friend Jenna and I sat up in the balcony and it was just the two of us.
It was amazing. Oh man. I just got to sing, and dance, and walk around praising the Lord. It was amazing to look down and see everyone worshiping God in their own unique way. From dancing around to just laying down and pouring out their hearts to God.

I love Davidson Worship because I can always meet new and exciting people who are running hard after Christ.
Its great to just lay things down at the foot of the cross, and not care about what other people think. Everyone is just so friendly and they respect the way in which you worship.

Oh man I felt so alive. The Holy Spirit was poured out heavily upon me as I worshiped. I gained new perspective. God is just so amazing.
Just to feel the Joy of the Lord at a more intense level is just so mind blowing. I really was exhausted after worship, which is soo awesome. I was able to dance mightily before the Lord, and to lay all my burdens at the foot of the Cross.

Hopefully I will be able to find links to the songs that we sang in order show you the Awesomeness in which God has blessed the artists songs that we sang.

God Bless!

I can feel it rising!! YAY!!!!

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Nothing liked being re-charged with a good heaping helping of the Holy Ghost!!! Praise God!